
Benefits of silk

Silk has a high content of serine, a physiological protein that provides energy for cell development that deeply hydrates and illuminates the skin and hair. One of the main components of silk proteins is sericin, an element particularly similar to the keratins of the skin and hair with which it develops a complex similar to that which is naturally present in the silk fiber itself. These proteins have the ability to fix water on the surface of the dermis, also forming a protective veil which reduces skin dehydration and soothes the skin, preventing the formation of pimples. In fact, there are real treatments made with silkworm cocoons performed either on the skin of the face to tone and illuminate it or directly on the scalp for a reharmonizing and balancing result.

What drove me to choose silk as a raw material?

I started to get to know the world of silk first through online shopping and then on some beauty blogs, but the main reason that pushed me to choose this raw material for my products were the studies that were carried out by dermatologists and scientists to understand if silk actually brought benefits to people. Being the daughter of a doctor mother, I grew up seeing the passion she put into her work and the satisfaction she felt in treating people and seeing that thanks to her they were well. Subconsciously perhaps I wanted to do the same thing but with a different path and studies. There are many tests that have been carried out by various universities around the world on how silk can actually provide benefits and relieve and reduce skin inflammation and prevent pillow wrinkles. Other tests have instead confirmed that silk reduces the extent of the inflammatory process, avoiding infections and accelerating tissue regeneration in patients undergoing radiotherapy in oncology departments and those suffering from atopic dermatitis. This last test was carried out by the University of Bologna.